MODEL: 3417 BEER GLASS 300 ml


You can drink your beer of choice in style with this exclusive glass in a masculine facetted design. The tall, narrow glass with its wide mouth will allow you to experience the full range of aromas and flavors present in
your brew. The special high-tech material has an insulating effect, keeping your ale cool and refreshing for a longer time. The thick-bottomed base guarantees a secure footing, so no valuable suds are lost! The koziol
Superglas is almost indestructible in normal use, handily scratch-resistant, and can be perfectly cleaned in the dishwasher.


535 – colorless transparent

capacity 250 ml
dimensions 120 x 120 x 174 mm
material  SuperGlas by KOZIOL

packing  loose / collective carton
printing area 35 x 15 mm

Kategorie: ,


You can drink your beer of choice in style with this exclusive glass in a
masculine facetted design. The tall, narrow glass with its wide mouth will
allow you to experience the full range of aromas and flavors present in
your brew. The special high-tech material has an insulating effect, keeping
your ale cool and refreshing for a longer time. The thick-bottomed base
guarantees a secure footing, so no valuable suds are lost! The koziol
Superglas is almost indestructible in normal use, handily scratch-resistant,
and can be perfectly cleaned in the dishwasher.
Dzięki temu ekskluzywnemu kuflowi o męskim fasetowanym wzornictwie możesz pić swoje ulubione piwo w dobrym stylu. Ponieważ naczynie jest odpowiednio wyprofilowane, pozwoli Ci doświadczyć pełnej gamy aromatów i smaków. Specjalny materiał działa izolująco, utrzymując piwo chłodne i orzeźwiające przez dłuższy czas. Podstawa z grubym dnem gwarantuje pewne oparcie. Tworzywo Superglas marki KOZIOL jest prawie niezniszczalny przy normalnym użytkowaniu, odporny na zarysowania i można go myć w zmywarce.